Mission & Vision

Great leaders talk from
inside out

Purpose, cause or believe

Things that make you special 

Products/services you offer

Core values drive your business

Helps to achieve goals and stay tuned without having to document everything

Key initiatives are central in the Nassau framework to make sure that you not only talk about great idea’s but also get it realized

Canvas is a tool that helps to get insight in your business and redesign the business model

Differentiating portfolio

The product portfolio model gives strategic direction and helps you to get insight in the balance of your product portfolio.

Where you make revenue today and tomorrow

The Blue ocean strategy teaches us through Value Innovation to focus on new market spaces instead of looking at competitors

The lifecycle of todays technology get shorter and shorter Companies of today need to have a 5 years vision

Which market to serve?
Which technology to offer?

Value innovation is more then technology creation, it looks at all gains for a market space

The value map can be used to provide insight into which products / services you must offer to a market space

Which jobs will be done? 
What pains will be relieved? 
What gains will it give?

Customer focused proces 

Customer process reengineering

If customer experience is your key value, take the customers point of view as starting point in every process step

What is value for the customer?

What is value for the organisation?

Continue improvement of your processes helps you to stay ahead of the competition

The plan, do, check and act circle of Deming is the basis of this thinking, supported by 5 methodes depending on type of issue you like to solve

Passionated people 

When companies mature, they often face declining growth as innovation gives way to inertia. In order to achieve consistent levels of growth throughout their corporate lifetimes, companies must attend to existing businesses while still considering areas they can grow in the future. The three horizons framework of McKinsey provides a structure for companies to assess potential opportunities for growth without neglecting performance in the present

If you in a quickly evolving environment, constant introduction of disruptive technology, accelerating digitalization and democratization of information, war for talent then the old machine organization will not be agile enough and you need to organize yourself as an organism

The airport concept helps you to organize your activities into a back-office and market space activities.